I woke up Saturday determined to go to the Yuba. There's nothing like that water- fresh from the mountains, baked on the hot rocks all day 'till there's a softness to it, a sandy beach with a mini Pekoe salmon nuzzling up like puppies, their sides glinting mint, watermelon & fool's gold. Unfortunately the air quality in Northern California is pretty much dangerous, so we headed Southwest, to Sausalito. And here we discovered a colony of 400 floating homes, filled with folks living a bouyant daily dream...
Not much further & this guy's on his way to a shocking, shocking view of San Francisco & the Golden Gate. I was born & raised in the city, yet for whatever reason I
have absolutely no memory of this town. What a treat it finally discover it...
All the neighbors take care of eachother's "gardens." This is the opposite of "When we get our farm...," & yet, it seems that it would be incredibly fulfilling, an ideal life for an artist, a f way to stay connected to both source & community, a nice way to simplify. I just know I wouldn't sleep at night with all that water around my boys; different from the Lake, where they have woods to play in, to get out all their stuff...But logged into the databanks, another possible life adventure.