*The "Office" under the stairs. We put up 2 peg racks & now I'm free of the silk chaos all over my house. And...26 silks for 3 boys? What is that all about? We also edited out the toys & placed all of Winn's toddler books right where he'll be able to get them. He loves to "read" to his brothers by recalling stories or interpreting the pictures. The first time he arranged his baby brother & Kuya (big bro in P) on the couch next to him & read, "Many drummers drum. Many drummers come." It was everything I could do to not start balling & making a giant scene of it. I grew up with that exact book. a
*Love's so amazing "hawk" embroidery. How does a 6 year-old pick up a hoop for the first time in 4 years & come strong with flight & perspective?
*Our local birds charts. This is so much fun. I've never been a bird person before, but I've really gotten swept up in the magic & diversity of it all. We made copies of a 2-sided card & the boys have them on clipboards with pens attached. They just tally away at what they see, then we transfer it onto the big chart. We've added trips to the raptor center & zoo, needle-felting birds, reading Trumpet of the Swan, Adopting a Trumpeter Swan...Too much to add, actually.
*A women's shelter at the Oakland Zoo. It's absolutely beautiful, with a surprising efficiency built in. The structure is made from local sticks
& cow dunge with a thatched roof. Inside there's rooms for storing sheep, fattening livestock, raised adult women & young girl's beds, a pantry,
& kitchen. This style is used in several countries throughout Africa, although I don't know how common they are at this point. Next thing to study...